About Us
We are leading importer and distributor of fresh fruits and fresh sweets across USA. We started with importing fresh mangoes from India in 2015 and distributed it across USA. Our aim was to open the market in USA for farmers in the sub continent. We then moved to countries like Pakistan, Dominion Republic for mangoes and other fruits variety. We now are working with farmers across USA to distribute their produce across USA. Our aim is to ensure our customers get the best organic and healthy fruits and vegetables from our farms in USA. Our customers love us for our produce quality and the freshness maintained by using refrigerated shipping. This motivated us to introduce more fruits and vegetables so our customers get best produce available in USA.

Leading Importers and Producers of Fresh Fruits
We are leading distributors of fresh fruits across the USA. We directly work with farmers to get fresh mangoes to your doorstep. We also import fresh, sweet Indian and Pakistani mangoes.

Fresh Sitaphal/ Custard Apples from our Farms
Fresh Fruits and Fresh Sweets are available now through our website. We get Fresh Mangoes from around the world.

Stress-Free Delivery
We deliver fresh tropical fruits in the USA. We use refrigerated shipping boxes to maintain the shipping quality. You will get fresh fruits delivered to your doorstep.

Fresh Indian Sweets
Fresh sweets are available through out the year. We also get different fresh fruits like Sitaphal, Cherimoya and Sour Sop.

Fresh Indian Mangoes from our Florida Farms
You can order Fresh mangoes from our farms in Florida this entire Summer

Fresh Jamaican and Pakistani Mangoes
We get Fresh Mangoes from Jamaica and Pakistan. We also get Fresh Fruits and Fresh Sweets from India.