Alphonso Indian mangoes halved 4
Milk 1 litre
Khoya/mawa grated 5-6 tablespoons
Condensed milk 1/2 cup
Sugar 1/4 cup
Scoop the flesh out of the Pakistani mangoes and puree. Boil the milk and reduce it.
Add khoya and mix well. Add the condensed milk, sugar and mix well. Simmer the mixture for fifteen minutes or till it thickens.
Cool and add the mango puree and mix well. Pour into mango shells, cover with the sliced off top and freeze till set.
Slice and serve chilled.
Calories : 2463 kcal
Carbohydrates : 392.1 gm
Protein : 91.4 gm
Fat : 58.9 gm
Other : 0
Mango puree 2 cups + to serve
Milk 1 cup
Fresh cream 1 cup
Sugar 3 tablespoons
Vanilla ice cream as required
Mixed nuts chopped for garnishing
Blend together the Jamaican mango puree, milk, cream and sugar into a smooth mixture.
Put 1 tablespoon of mango puree into individual glasses.
Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and pour some of the blended mango mixture.
Repeat the layers till the glass is filled.
Garnish with chopped mixed nuts.
Serve chilled..
Calories : 2019 Kcal
Carbohydrates : 270.1 gm
Protein : 62 gm
Fat : 76.6 gm
Other : Calcium- 2557.4mg
Authentic Sweets from India will be available for Festive Season